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Políticas del espacio (Margen de error)


Galeria 80M2 Livia Benavides, Lima. Perú

How do we agree to fixed-categories and determined lengths to understand space collectively? How do we establish a standard measure system?

Prior to the French Revolution, measures were linked to an anthropometric system where human bodies were used as the standard, however, it was not any body. The ‘cubit’ (or ‘Egyptian royal cubit’)  was based on the Pharaoh’s forearm, while the ‘yard’ was created by King Henry I being the distance from the tip of his nose to the thumb of his extended arm. These anthropocentric calculations were as subjective as capricious, giving place firstly to misunderstandings by its lack of objectivity and secondly, to its standardization.

Margin of error thinks of the processes of negotiating subjective perceptions in order to create collective agreements about space. As it is precisely between subjective perceptions that a margin of error takes place: the length of my foot is different to that of yours. The project is an ongoing-research that explores the arbitrariness and parameters of measuring systems and the way common grounds were created. It seems to be asking: is it possible to re-establish and re-configure our agreements? It aims to reopen the conversation of this arrangements while giving the possibility to reconfigure the relationship based on our subjective understanding of space and how we communicate about it with others.

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